Monday, November 7, 2011

Why do we need food supplements?

Food is one of our most basic needs. However, in our modern society fresh food is a thing of the past. They so called fresh fruits and vegetables we buy today have little nutritional value because they are grown in nutrient-deficient soil, picked before they ripen naturally, gassed, irradiated, artificially ripened and stored for days before we eat it. Therefore, our diets lack the essential building blocks of functional foods vital to our health and well-being.

why we need to take supplements at all. Most people that aren’t in some sort of health crisis, wonder why they need to take a supplement. “I feel fine…why would I need to take anything?” Here’s some reasons why it is important that everyone take some sort of natural, whole-food supplement:

  • Depleted Soils
  • Long Transit Time for Delivery
  • Overcooking Our Foods
  • Not Eating Regular Meals
  • Normal Aging = Digestion Issues
  • Stress, Stress, Stress = Compromised Immune Syste

Natural and herbal supplements can help to restore the body to a place of balance. But it’s probably going to take more than one thing; or even two. Generally, it might take between 5-10 supplements to help restore your health. And if there is a “serious” health issue on the table, it will take much more than that.

Of course nothing will take the place of eating a good and healthy diet. But taking good-quality, whole-food based natural supplements can go along way towards helping you maintain a better level of health. Particularly if you’ve got some bad habits (like skipping meals and not eating organic), you need them even more!